One Stop Shop from Home!

Hello! This page includes direct links to vendors websites or Facebook pages to shop from the comfort of your home or prepare by finding local resources. I know many people are self-isolating and would prefer to stay home, but still maybe want to do some shopping to prepare for baby, buy gifts or just make a bit of time go by. A lot of vendors start preparing way in advance for events and no one could have predicted that we would be faced with COVID-19 at this time. So PLEASE share this page with anyone who might be looking to do some shopping! These small businesses rely on your support.


Little Loop

Suds, Scrubs, Soaks

Jill’s Tupperware

Toy House Swap Market

Creek Mama

Little Maples Children’s Boutique

Discovery Toys

Moonlily Wellness

Little Bear Designs

Gracefully Birthed


Sweet Bliss Creations

Hootsy Baby

Bookish Delight

Barbie’s Blankets Baby Nests n more

Thirty One Gifts with Alishastote


Family First Chiropractic

Mommy Connections Red Deer

Paige Koster Photography

Prairie Midwives

Honey Bear Music

Red Earth Photography

Red Deer Doula Association

Rediscover Massage Therapy

Janean’s Casting Creation


Baby Brand Gift Club

Peek-A-Boo Baby 3D/4D Ultrasound

Central Alberta La Leche League

Whole Night Sleep Consulting

Central Alberta FASD Network